SCC Newsletter 2020 - NewsFlash
Date: 5 May 2020
Inventory notification period for imports of chemicals into Russia and other EAEU countries has been extended to 1 August 2020 due to COVID19
The implementation of the new chemical regulation for the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)* started on 11 November 2019 with the opening of the chemical inventory notification period in Russia. After the initial deadline expired on 1 January 2020, the Russian ministry communicated the extension of the important period until 1 May 2020. This has now been extended to 1 August 2020.
Notification of the entire portfolio of manufactured or imported chemical substances ensures that manufacturers and importers benefit from the relatively light obligations for existing substances vs. the expected requirements for any new substances. For more information, please contact Dr Mathias Rietzel-Röhrdanz.
*The Eurasian Economic Union consists of these countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.
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