Registration of Crop Health and Plant Protection Products in India
In India, we work closely with our partner This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to offer comprehensive regulatory services for the plant health and nutrition sector including the following fields:
- Agrochemicals
- Biorationals and biostimulants
- Plant / insect growth regulators
- Post-harvest fumigants
- Control of house-hold and nuisance pests
- Public health pest control
Our cooperation helps to ensure you gain double the benefits: On the one hand, from SCC’s in-depth scientific and project management expertise and, on the other, from our partner’s broad understanding and vast experience of the Indian market coupled with a well-established regulatory network.
Our Regulatory Services for the Crop Health and Plant Nutrition Indurstry in India
Do you have any questions or want to learn how we can support you in India? - Please contact us.